CS202 Quiz No 2 Solved Final Term || VuRank


Q1: XSLT Stands for:
A) eXtended Stylesheet Language Transformation
B) eXtensible Stylesheet Lanugage Transformations (100% Correct)
C) eXtensive Stylesheet Language Transformations
D) eXternal Stylesheet Language Transformations

Q2: XML Stands for ___________.
A) Extensible Markup Language (100% Correct)
B) Extended Markup Language
C) Executable Markup Language
D) Extensive Markup Language

Q3: In JSON, JSON.parse(text) is used to _________.
A) convert a JSON text into a Javascript Object (100% Correct)
B) convert a Javascript object into a JSON text
C) convert a JSON text into a JavaScript object and a JavaScript object into a JSON text
D) None of the given options

Q4: While converting HTML 4 elements to HTML 5 semantic elements, < div id="menu"> will be converted into:
A) < section >
B) < article >
C) < nav > (100% Correct)
D) < header >

Q5: In HTML 5, ________ defines a caption for a < figure > element.
A) < capfig>
B) < figcaption> (100% Correct)
C) < figurecaption>
D) < captionfig>

Q6: In an XML document, all elements can contain ___________.
A) sub elements
B) text
C) attributes
D) All of the given options (100% Correct)

Q7: XML is used as a format for document storage and processing, ___________.
A) online
B) both online and offline (100% Correct)
C) offline
D) None of the given options

Q8: Which of the following is the default character encoding for XML documents?
A) UTF-8 (100% Correct)
B) UTF-16
C) UTF-32
D) None of the given options

Q9: JSON stands for __________.
A) Javascript Object Notation (100% Correct)
B) Javascript Open Network
C) Javascrpt Output Network
D) Java Standard Open Name

Q10: Which of the following is not a semantic element in HTML5?
A) < div> (100% Sure)
B) < article>
C) < section>
D) < header>

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