Q1: _______ colors specified for objects that generate light themselves.
Q2: The ability to understand things without explicitly programmed a computer is called?
Q3: There are _____ angles associated with spotlights.
Q4: Labertian was used mostly back when computers weren't fast enough to do _______ in real time.
Q5: The attenuation formula is f= _________, where C, L and Q are the constand, linear and quadratic attenuation factors and d is the distance between the vertex being lit and the light source.
Q6: Light is mostly reflected in case of _______ surfaces.
Q7: The relfected light wave turns out to be a ________ case since light is reflected at the same angle as the incident wave when the surface is smooth and uniform, as we'll assume for now.
Q8: The phong reflection model simplifies light-matter interactions essentially into 4 vectors and a number of constants. Which piece of the Phong model is responsible for giving spheres their bright white spots?
Q9: One problem with Gouraud shading is that the ______ intensities can never be greater than the intesities at the edges.
Q10: _______ is simply the calculation of color reflected by the surface.
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