Q1: Rule, which may have a priority in expert systems, is called:
A) Meta rule
B) Conflict resolution rule
C) Forward chain rule (page 123) (100% Sure)
D) backward chain rule
Q2: Which will be the conjunctive normal of (A->B)->B?
A) (A v B) (page 110) (100% Sure)
B) (A AND B)
C) (~A v B)
D) (A v ~B)
Q3: A AI cycle _____ are closely coupled components; each is intrinsically tied to the other.
A) Knowledge representation and reasoning (page 89) (100% Sure)
B) learning and execution
C) perception and planning
D) learning and planning
Q4: Which searching technique gives us a better solution every time.
A) bling/uninformed
B) informed/heuristic
C) path/non-optimal
D) optimal path (page 24) (100% Sure)
Q5: The Data structure used in the standard implementation of Bredth-First Search is?
A) Stack
B) Queue (page 28) (100% Sure)
C) Linked List
D) Tree
Q6: Answering the Sequence problem need:
A) intelligence (page 15) (100% Sure)
B) Ability to make plan
C) Ability to shedule
D) Machine learning
Q7: "In context of Hill climbing algorithm, a person may reach the portion of a mountain which is totally flat, whatever step he takes gives him no improvement in hieght hence he gets stuck". The above statement refers to:
A) Foothill problem
B) Plateau problem (page 40) (100% Sure)
C) Ridge problem
D) Slope problem
Q8: Which of the following command is used to see the added facts in CLIPS?
A) (fact)
B) Fact
C) (facts) (page 134) (100% Sure)
D) deftemplate
Q9: Which search method takes less memory?
A) Depth-First Search (page 27) (100% Sure)
B) Breadth-First Search
C) Optimal Search
D) Linear Search
Q10: In CNF(Conjunctive normal form) the outermost structure is made up of ______ and inner units called clauses are made up of _______.
A) conjunctions, disjunctions (page 108) (100% Sure)
B) disjunction, conjunctions
C) resolution, refutation
D) refutation, resolution
Q11: The components of a statement in CNF (Conjunctive normal form) are clauses and literals. And clause in CNF is the _______ of many units.
A) disjunction (page 108) (100% Sure)
B) conjunction
C) separatoin
D) subtraction
Q12: _________ is the part of the system that controls the process of deriving conclusions.
A) A knowledge base
B) A database of facts
C) An interpreter, or inference engine (page 117) (100% Sure)
D) An object
Q13: An AI system has a _____ component that allows the system to get information from its environment.
A) Planning
B) Perception (page 89) (100% Sure)
C) Learning
D) Execution
Q14: ______ is a genetic operator used to maintain genetic diversity from one generation of a population of genetic algorithm chromosomes to the next.
A) Inheritance
B) Mutation (page 78) (100% Sure)
C) Gene
D) Crossover
Q15: A search algorithm takes ______ as an input and returns _____ as an output.
A) Input, output
B) Problem, solution (page 24) (100% Sure)
C) Solution, problem
D) Fuzzy set, uncertian facts
Q16: What are the components of a rule?
A) Else and Then
B) Premise and Conclusion (page 95) (100% Sure)
C) Then and Break
D) If and Else
Q17: The machine has _______, it would have used its knowledge to counter for this new situtation in its environment.
A) strong intellegence (page 09) (100% Sure)
B) week intellegence
C) efficeint algorithms
D) infernce system
Q18: In progressive deepening, the idea is to simply apply DFS to a specific.
A) Level (page 32) (100% Sure)
B) Node
C) Branch
D) Branching factor
Q19: 'Focused area of expertise' in human experts is referred to as _______ in expert systems.
A) Domain (page 90) (100% Sure)
B) Knowledge
C) Reasoning
D) Inference engine
Q20: In CLIPS, the _____ command is used for debugging programs.
B) WATCH (page 135) (100% Sure)
Q21: In Genetic algorithm ______ has the same notation of having something or some attribute from a parent while ____ refers to a small random change.
A) inheritance, mutation (page 77) (100% Sure)
C) A*, Dynamic Programming
D) Subtraction, multiplication
Q22: "Swimming in the river is just like a swimming in a pool". The given statement is an example of:
A) Analgical reasoning (page 103) (100% Sure)
B) Logical reasoning
C) Non-monotonic reasoning
D) Inductive reasoning
Q23: ______ are data structures for representing stereotypical knowledge of some concept or object.
A) Frames (page 98) (100% Sure)
B) Resolutions
C) Conjuntions
D) Disjunctions
Q24: Reasoning in backward chaining is known as:
A) Data-driven reasoning
B) Rule-driven reasoning
C) Intelligence-driven reasoning
D) Goal-driven reasoning (page 126) (100% Sure)
Q25: Which of the following is NOT one of the drawbacks of depth first search?
A) Can run forever in search spaces with infinite length paths
B) Does not gurantee finding the shallowest goal
C) Require the tree to be a complete tree
D) Cut-off depth is smaller so time complexity in more (page 32) (100% Sure)
Q26: Which expert system was design for chemical analysis of Martian soil for space mission?
B) Dendral (page 112) (100% Sure)
Q27: Graphs are used to represent _____ and ____.
A) problems, solution
B) terminals, branches
C) nodes, vertices (page 22) (100% Sure)
D) branches, nodes
Q28: In genetic algorithm, we produce the next generation from the _____.
A) genes and inheritance
B) inheritance and mutation (page 77) (100% Sure)
C) mutation and genes
D) crossover
Q29: What is the fitness value of the following sequence 4 6 8 2 7 1 3 5 in eight queen problem?
A) 6
B) 7
C) 8 (page 86) (100% Sure)
D) 9
Q30: The ability to understand things without explicitly programmed a computer is called?
A) Artificial intellegence
B) Deep learning
C) Machine learning (page 160) (100% Sure)
D) Fuzzy logic
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