Q1: While solving a Linear Programming problem by Simplex Method, and inequality says:'2x-37<5'is transformed into strict equality of the form __________.
A) 2x-3y-s=5
B) 2x-3y+s=5 (100% Sure)
C) 2x-3y-s+A=5
D) 2x-3y+s+A=5

Q2: In the final iteration of M-method to obtain the optimal solution, the artificial variable must __________ the basis.
A) add in each variable of
B) subtract from each variable of
C) leave (100% Sure)
D) include in

Q3: The positive slack variable indicate __________.
A) excess resources avaliable
B) shortage of resources (100% Sure)
C) nil resources
D) idle(waste) resources

Q4: Under which of the following condition to solve an LP by using two phase method, we can't proceed for 2nd phase?
A) Objective function of 1st phase has zero value.
B) Objective function of 1st phase has positive value. (100% Sure)

Q5: After converting constraints into the respective Standard equalities, we have an LP problem of '4' equations in '6' variables. If the initial basis feasible solution is say:(2,4,1,2), then it is __________ solution.
A) degenerate feasible
B) non-degenerate feasible (100% Sure)
C) degenerate infeasible
D) non-degenerate infeasible

Q6: The insensitivity of the solution relative to the original decision variables in an LP problem which is solved by M-method is overcome by __________.
A) Simplex method
B) Graphical method
C) Two phase method (100% Sure)
D) Duality principle

Q7: After converting constraints into the respective Standard equalities, we have an LP problem of '4' equation in '6' variables, then in a given iteration, how many Basic feasible VARIABLES are possible to exists?
A) 10
B) 6
C) 4 (100% Sure)
D) 2

Q8: In a feasible region, if the end points of a line segment are basic solutions which BOTH also give the optimal solution, then __________ will also serve for optimal.
A) the only midpoint of the segment
B) the point which divides segment in ratio 1:2
C) all other points on the segment (100% Sure)
D) no other point

Q9: Which of the following is true about an LP problem which is solved by M-method and having infeasible solution?
A) Associated constraints are not consistent
B) Final iteration table include one of the artificial variables.
C) Penalty 'M' may not able to force artificial variable to zero in final iteration.
D) All choices are equivalent (100% Sure)

Q10: While solving an LP problem by Simplex mehtod, if we have '3' constraints equations in '5' variables then to find basic variables we have to put any __________ variables equal to zero.
A) 1
B) 2 (100% Sure)
C) 3
D) 4