Q1: While solving a Linear Programming problem by Simplex Method, and inequality says:'2x-37<5'is transformed into strict equality of the form __________.
Q2: In the final iteration of M-method to obtain the optimal solution, the artificial variable must __________ the basis.
Q3: The positive slack variable indicate __________.
Q4: Under which of the following condition to solve an LP by using two phase method, we can't proceed for 2nd phase?
Q5: After converting constraints into the respective Standard equalities, we have an LP problem of '4' equations in '6' variables. If the initial basis feasible solution is say:(2,4,1,2), then it is __________ solution.
Q6: The insensitivity of the solution relative to the original decision variables in an LP problem which is solved by M-method is overcome by __________.
Q7: After converting constraints into the respective Standard equalities, we have an LP problem of '4' equation in '6' variables, then in a given iteration, how many Basic feasible VARIABLES are possible to exists?
Q8: In a feasible region, if the end points of a line segment are basic solutions which BOTH also give the optimal solution, then __________ will also serve for optimal.
Q9: Which of the following is true about an LP problem which is solved by M-method and having infeasible solution?
Q10: While solving an LP problem by Simplex mehtod, if we have '3' constraints equations in '5' variables then to find basic variables we have to put any __________ variables equal to zero.